Our Teaching
The Bible is the Word of God. Because it is, it is not our
business to critique it but to do our best to understand it in
order to obey it. This is the understanding behind all Bible
teaching at Heritage Baptist, but not the ultimate goal.
In 1st Timothy 1:5 we are taught that the goal of all Bible
teaching is love. Our goal is to teach believers to love God as
they never thought they could, and their neighbor as them-
selves which our Savior said was the greatest commandment.
(Matthew 22:36)
Our Music
is a mix of historic and
current hymns with
occasional choruses. The
music is conservative,
chosen for its doctrinal
content rather than its
emotive appeal. We believe
that music should direct our
thoughts toward the
attributes of God rather than
our feelings about Him.
Music should never be used
to entice people to a worship
service. When that happens,
the worship becomes more
about the people than about
Our Youth
We do our best not to usurp the role of the parents with the youth of our church, by leaving most of the “youth activities” to the parents.
We treat our teens with respect, expecting the same from believing teens that we expect from believing adults, faithfulness to God’s Word and purity in their personal lives.
Many churches entertain their youth from junior high through college, enticing them with extravagant activities. Then these same churches wonder why their young people drop out of church after high school or college when the entertainment stops.
The answer is clear. The church has not taught them how to minister to the body of Christ; they have taught them to be entertained.
We do our best to prepare each young person for the ministry God has for them.
Our Friends
The Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center
Institute for Nouthetic Studies